Book review: Forging Silver into Stars By: Brigid Kemmerer

Post by: Jessica

A Curse so Dark and Lonely (book 1)

A Heart so Fierce and Broken (book 2)

A Vow so Bold and Deadly (book 3)

Spin off series

Forging Silver into Stars (book 1)

By: Brigid Kemmerer

Cover: Love this cover. So much so that I saw it pop up on my library app and I put a hold on it without knowing anything about it. The title is interesting, the cover is great. I love seeing all the little details that were included. I feel like this cover represents the story very well. And clearly it did it’s job, It made me read it. Although it should probably link itself to the books. A reference on the cover to the first series would be helpful.

Story: ★★★ Okay so this book is a sort of spin off/ continuation of the A Curse so Dark and Lovely series. It’s set several years after the end on the other series and it follows Tycho who was a young boy in the other books. All of the other characters show up in this book and the things that happened in the first three books play a very big role in this book. I do not think you could read this book and fully understand the situation and all the drama between characters if you skip the first series. That’s why I included them at the top.

As I said above this book follows Tycho but he shares page time with two new characters that also get POVs. Jaz a blacksmith and Callyn a baker are best friends that are trying to scrape by in a small forgotten town. Well almost forgotten. Behind on taxes the pair find themselves involved in a treasonous plot but they can’t afford to turn down the silver. And maybe it’s not truly treason if it’s what’s best for the kingdom.

Writing: ★★★ I liked the writing. However, this book was set up a bit odd. We got to meet the new characters first and then later Tycho showed up but I didn’t even really realize it was him until he went back to the castle and other characters started to show up.


Main: Ha! Who even is the main character?? I feel like it’s Tycho because that is who we know but I met Jax and Callyn way before Tycho showed up. It doesn’t really matter they are all about the same. They were fine but I didn’t really care about any of them. I mean they had their moments but I don’t know maybe because the page time was so split I never really grew attached to any of them.

Supporting: It was fun to have all the old characters pop up. Well they more than popped up. They were there, they didn’t have POVs but they were involved in the story and what was going on. I think I would’ve liked Harper to be a bit more involved. She was the only one I felt got left out. Unfortunately, I felt one character was… well I just didn’t like the way he was portrayed in this book.

Feels: ★★ I was all over the place with the feels. I didn’t connect to the new characters very much but I liked seeing the old ones. Except for the one that was just not living up to the memory of them.  

World: ★★★ I still like this world. We get to explore a new town and we learn some new things about the magical system.

Overall grade:★★★ 

Attachment: LOL! So as I said above I didn’t know anything about this book it just popped up on my library app and I thought it looked cool so I put a hold on it. When it was my turn I had too many other books and things going on so I returned it and got back in line for it. Well again it was my turn and again I had other books waiting for me and this one was on the longer side so I thought about letting it go again but then I decided to just start it. Well I was going along and words and places started sounding really familiar. For a moment I seriously thought the author was using names from other books. Then I realized it was a spin off/continuation. I will admit once I realized that I had to go back and reread Tycho’s chapters. But then I was hooked I finished this book in two days. Next week is super busy for me and there are a ton of things I should’ve been doing to prepare but I sat my butt down and did nothing but read this book.

Recommendation: Okay so I know I was unsure about the first series because I heard mix reviews. But I really enjoyed the books. Now here I am with this one. It was fun to revisit this world and characters, I just wasn’t super attached to the MCs and I was annoyed with one of my old favorites. Still it had me hooked and I have to recommend these books. They are a fun read.

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